Panel Fencing
Panel Fencing
Larch lap panels fitted onto 100 x 100mm timber posts are our most economical solution for garden privacy and security. But something to bear in mind is if you have a gradient along your boundary then the panels might have to be stepped so that they can run up or down the slope. These can also be fitted as panels with trellis on top which not only looks really good but gives you a bit more privacy.
All panels are Tanalith treated Green or Tanatone Brown.
These can also be fitted as panels with concrete posts and gravel boards, using reinforced concrete posts will make the fence much sturdier, and on a gentle slope we can sometimes take up the difference in ground level by digging in one end of the gravel boards thus keeping the fence level across the top and also the panels will sit on the concrete gravel boards and not in the ground, which will extend the life of the panels.
Another option is to use our fully framed close board panels, although slightly more expensive they are sturdier and tend to last around 35-40% longer than the lapped panels.

Finally if it is something different you are after we also supply a variety of KDM European panels which are very
decorative and come in a wide range of styles to suit your taste, these have been pressure treated with a light green preservative and have a light green hue in colour much like any treated timber you might see in the timber yard.